
Monday, September 24, 2012

Paruppu Pradhaman (Payasam)

This is the traditional Payasam in Kerela. Also in down south of Tamil Nadu its very famous. The taste of jaggery and coconut milk will just roll in your mouth. Its so rich and filling as well... If you have a bowl of this tasty pradhaman you wont even feel like having lunch/dinner. This delicious dessert is so easy to cook as well.
Channa Dhal / Moong Dhal - 1 Cup (either 1)
Jaggery - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Coconut milk - 1 Cup
Cardamom - 4-5 nos (crushed & powdered)
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Cashew nut - Few
How to make:
1. Cook the Dhal in cooker. Once cooked just mash it with the spatula. Don't make a paste, just crush with backside of the spatula.
2. In a thick bottom pan, add 1 cup water and bring it to boil. Add the jaggery and let the jaggery melt. You can filter this in a tea strainer as there might be soil grains in jaggery. Once we strain it, the same will be removed.
3. Now add the dhal to this and let it cook for 10 mins. When the content reduces to half, add the coconut milk and cardamom powder. Let it simmer for 5 mins. Just keep in mind that it should not boil.
4. In a small pan, heat the ghee and fry the cashew till it becomes golden brown. Add it to the pradhaman.
5. Pradhaman is ready to serve now.... 
You can also make ada pradhaman/ chakka pradhaman.... Instead of dhal just replace it with rice adai or jackfruit. In case of jackfruit, cook the finely chopped jackfruit in jaggery itself....

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