
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tomato Soup

Wanted to post soups for a long time... But some how it got skipped...  Better late than never... So posting first soup recipe now... Starting with favorite of all, Tomato soup.....Lot more to come........


Ripe Tomato - 3-4 nos
Onion (roughly chopped) - 1/2 cup
Garlic clove - 2-3 nos.
Bay leaf - 1 no. (optional)
Water - 3 Cups
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp
Cream - for garnish
Oil - 2 tsp

How to make it:

1. In a pan, add oil and saute garlic and onion till it becomes transparent. Remove it keep aside. Saute tomato for 2-3 mins. Allow it to cool.

2. In a mixer add onion garlic, tomato and 3 cups of water and grind it smoothly.

3. Strain it and add it back to pan. Add bay leaf and and allow it to boil for 4-5  mins.

4. Now remove the bay leaf and add salt & pepper powder.

5. Serve in soup with cream garnish...!!

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